Adjunct Faculty

Request Info
kevin brix
Kevin Brix
Associate Professor (Adjunct)
Phone: (305) 773-8347

Javier del campo
Javier Del Campo
Associate Professor (Adjunct)
Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Sciences
Phone: +34 616-34-28-89

Bio: I am a Group Leader at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (UPF-CSIC) in Barcelona and Adjunct Professor at the Marine Biology and Ecology Department at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Science - University of Miami. I completed my bachelor’s and my Ph.D. in Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology at the Institute of Marine Sciences - CSIC (Barcelona), followed by postdoctoral research at the University of Barcelona, the University of British Columbia (Vancouver), and back to the Institute of Marine Sciences. In February 2019 I joined as Assistant Professor the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami and in February 2021 I joined the Institute of Evolutionary Biology. My research has focused on the study of the ecology and evolution of microbial eukaryotes but recently, I have expanded my scope to the prokaryotes in order to have an integrated view of the microbiome. I am currently investigating microbial ecology and evolution in animal-associated environments using cutting-edge sequencing technologies and computational biology. I hope that my research can help to have a better understanding of the role that microorganisms play in the response of animals to the climate crisis.

Ross Cunning
Ross Cunning
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)

Bio:  Ross Cunning leads coral reef research programs at the John G. Shedd Aquarium, with a primary focus on coral heat tolerance and the biological and ecological responses of coral reefs to marine heatwaves. Although Shedd Aquarium is located in Chicago, IL, Cunning dedicates significant time to field research, directing expeditions aboard the Aquarium’s Miami-based research vessel, Coral Reef II, across Florida’s Coral Reef, with numerous University of Miami collaborators. His research projects encompass reef monitoring, experimental biology, bioenergetic modeling, molecular genetics, and large-scale data synthesis—providing a multifaceted approach to understanding the mechanisms and consequences of climate change impacts on corals. Cunning earned his B.S. from Duke University in 2007 and his Ph.D. from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science in 2013, where he studied the role of algal symbionts in coral responses to climate change.

David Die
David Die
Associate Professor (Adjunct)
Branch Chief, Highly Migratory Species Branch
Sustainable Fisheries Division
NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center

Bio: David J. Die holds a B.Sc. in Zoology (1982) from the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) and a Ph.D. (1989) in Biology and Living Resources from the University of Miami. He held research positions with the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and the CSIRO in Australia, with the Marine Fisheries Department at FAO-Rome before joining the University of Miami in 1999 as scientist first and later as Associate Director of CIMAS. He was an associate research professor at the Department of Marine Biology and Fisheries of the University of Miami until 2024. He is currently Branch Chief of Highly Migratory species at SEFSC NOAA in Miami. His research on modeling and study of spatial dynamics of marine ecosystems is applied to the management of marine resources. He has focused extensively on fisheries harvesting highly migratory species but also has a broad portfolio of research on other fish, sea turtles and shorebirds.

Ian Enochs
Ian Enochs
Associate Professor (Adjunct)
Research Ecologist
NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory

Bio: Ian Enochs is the head of AOML’s Coral Program. His research focuses on understanding the responses of corals and reef biota to global change. He is particularly interested in the impacts of warming and ocean acidification on the persistence of coral reef framework structures that provide essential habitat and support numerous ecosystem services. Enochs applies a multidisciplinary approach, conducting research in both the laboratory and the field, as well as developing new technologies to address pressing research questions. He is a PI of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program, and leads several projects pertaining to the Coral Reef Conservation Program’s restoration pillar and NOAA’s Omics initiative. Enochs graduated cum laude from the University of Miami in 2006 and later earned his Ph.D. at RSMAS in 2010 for his research on the environmental determinants of coral reef cryptic metazoan biodiversity in Pacific Panama. Enochs is a research ecologist with the Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division of NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory in Miami.

Jenny Litz
Jenny Litz
Professor (Adjunct)
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: (305) 361-4224

stephanie rosales
Stephanie Rosales
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)
Email: and
Phone: (305) 361-4511

BioDr. Rosales is interested in characterizing and understanding microorganisms in marine environments and evaluating the health of our oceans. To do this, a combination of 'omics techniques (e.g., metabarcoding, metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics), molecular biology, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments are applied. This research provides insights into beneficial and detrimental microbes impacting marine organisms and potential avenues to improve ecosystem health. 

cynthia silveira
Cynthia Silveira
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)
Phone: (305) 284-6566

BioThe Silveira Lab studies interactions between phages (viruses of bacteria) and their hosts in marine environments. Through predation and gene transfer, phages modulate the ecological roles and evolutionary trajectories of their bacterial hosts. In coral reefs, these relationships affect the health of reef-building corals and help shape the trajectories of whole reef ecosystems in the face of stressors. We apply field studies combined with laboratory experimentation and genomics tools to investigate how phage-bacteria interactions shape coral reef microbiomes and ecosystem responses to disturbance.
